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red T

“The Red T raises awareness of the plight of translators and interpreters working in conflict zones, detention camps, and prisons.”

Our profession is under siege, and its practitioners face extreme distrust.
In Iraq, while interpreting between troops and local populations, interpreters wear face masks to avoid being recognized, denounced as traitors, tortured, or killed when they return to their communities. In Afghanistan, letters are slid under translators’ doors threatening the execution of their families. In the United States, linguists for alleged and convicted terrorists have been accused/convicted of aiding and abetting terrorism themselves.


- Redefine the role of conflict zone linguists and work towards obtaining complete protected-person status
- Unite translator/interpreter initiatives launched by individuals, groups and trade associations under a common cause
- Create and maintain a central data registry for translator/interpreter incidents and compile statistics
- Track policy progress by country (re legal developments, asylum grants, insurance protocols, etc.)
- Raise awareness of the Red T, its logo and its cause in order to secure worldwide recognition

The Red T strives, through voluntary action, to establish translators & interpreters as a global, impartial and protected community and to better safeguard all members of our profession.

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